Strike Build unlocks Fierce Demon Fang, and a Technical Build unlocks Double Demon Fang.Then, use Demon Fange 50 times with either a Strike or Technical Build. The first Mystic Arte we will go over is his Holy Binds, with Divine Judgement immediately following! Holy Binds Unlock Requirements Zelos has access to two Mystic Artes, both having unique requirements and activation methods, which we will cover in the sections below. Once in your Over Limit, cast either Ray or Holy Lance to get Sacred Shine instead! In this case, anything with Lemon will work. This happens when getting hit or when your party members fall in battle, and it can also be impacted by eating food you like. To do this, Raine must be in her Over Limit, which can be done by raising her Tension during the encounter. Now that you have the above requirements met, you can cast Sacred Shine during battle. Use Ray or Holy Lance 50 times during encounters.Strike Build unlocks Holy Lance, and a Technical Build unlocks Ray.Then, use Photon 50 times with either a Strike or Technical Build. Reach Level 16 with Raine to learn Photon.We will first dive into everything needed to obtain her Sacred Shine Mystic Arte and will then dive into the details of her Fairy Circle Mystic Arte. Dirk rules.Unlike the others thus far, Raine has access to two Mystic Artes rather than just one, both of which have specific requirements to unlock and use. And once again, we get to see Dirk and his BFH in action (against monsters this time).And then he recommends his company's brand of handcuffs to the jailer, because they're stronger.

He was apparently only staying in jail to be polite.

He can block and counter a Super Move Portrait Attack. And he does this in-battle if you try Ain Soph Aur. After hitting Richter with the move once, he tries it again, and Richter's response is to block and counter the mystic arte, reflecting the energy right back into Emil's face. It so happens to be an extension to his Mystic Arte. OK, so in the Temple of Darkness, Ratatosk Mode Emil demonstrates a new attack, a ridiculously massive laser energy ball called Ain Soph Aur. After he dies, Alice admits that she loved Decus too and turns on Emil.and is promptly killed by Marta, who basically says that she doesn't care how much Alice hates her, but attacking Emil is unforgivable. Emil then attacks Alice, and Decus jumps in front of Emil's sword and is fatally wounded. After beating Alice and Decus near the end of the game, the ensuing cutscene sees Marta go over to make sure they're okay.Lloyd: "Don't even start spewing the word "justice"!" Lloyd especially proves this when, right before the fight with Brute, who just attempted to offer the party a Sadistic Choice (hand over the Centurion's cores or he kills Regal), repeats one of his most famous lines from the original game, saves Regal's ass, and proves once and for all that he's on Emil's side: Dawn of the New World, if one of the reasons you may not like it is because the original cast seems overshadowed, never fear: (storywise, at least) they're still as awesome as ever.The Dummied Out Shut Up, Hannibal! that each of the Symphonia cast can give and can be accessed through hacking, seen here.It's double awesome if you use Devil's Hellfire on him. Followed by Emil fighting Ratatosk in a Battle in the Center of the Mind and finally winning Ratatosk's respect and acceptance.His calm and confident attitude is the perfect culmination of his growth from pushover to hero. Towards the end of the game, Emil replacing his Ratatosk mode in battle.

Then directly after he says this line, your next fight is on a field instead of the village gate, the implication being that Emil and Marta + assembled monsters are pushing them back, by themselves at that.